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    Glute Gainz

    Ready to take your glutes to the next level?


    The workout program consists of five exercise days and two rest days per week. Among the five exercise days, three are dedicated to targeting the lower body, while the remaining two focus on the upper body. This balanced approach ensures that both your lower and upper body receive adequate attention and training throughout the week.

    While prioritizing glute exercises is important for glute growth, neglecting other muscle groups can lead to muscle imbalances and potential injury risks. A well-rounded training program that includes exercises for the upper body, core, and lower body helps promote overall balance, strength, and functional fitness. Incorporating compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups can also indirectly benefit your glute development.

    Yes, it's possible as long as you're staying consistent with a healthy meal plan. Keep in mind that if you want to grow your glutes you will need to eat in a calorie surplus to fuel muscle growth. If you're unsure what your meals should look like, you can always add-on the personalized meal plan.

    The timeline for seeing results can vary depending on factors such as individual genetics, current fitness level, and consistency with the program. Generally, noticeable improvements in glute strength and shape can be observed within 4-8 weeks of consistent training. However, significant changes in muscle size and definition may take several months to years to achieve.

    You'll have access for 1 full year. It's only $49 to renew if your year has expired.

    This program 100% self paced and you have access from anywhere in the world! If you would like a program where you are coached, I recommend 1:1 online personal training.

    After purchase, go to Glute Gainz Program Access in the menu bar. Create your username with the same email that you used to purchase. Save your log in credentials as you will need these to access the program.


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